Sunday, March 27, 2011

adani.. ;(

when i was on my way to the mall,
dani called me,
"najwa! kita dpat sbp!"
''what? bila awak dpat? online ke?''
''td kte dpat surat''
''alaaa..awak pergi ke?? janganlah...''
''tak tahu lagi..''
''awak tak pergi,kan?''
''tak tahu lagi lah awak..''
then we hung up our phone..
i wasn't too worried that time cuz i know she wouldn't go,
nisa told me this morning..
she HAVE TO go
i was speechless..
can't say anything..
i text her,
''dani, are you going there''
''yes mrs b square :(''
my tears drop A LOT..
''alaaa, why?? kate tk nak pergi??''
''tk cnfrm. skrang mmg cnfrm ah. nnt dah tak leh tendang kaki org kt tsyen, tk blh ngumpat,
 tk blh usha b square, etc :( ''
'' :'( alaa...dgan sape kte nak buat tu semua? "
'' awak kne stop buat lah haha insaf2! jgan cari pngganti kay.. 
nnt da tkde org pkai bju kurung hari jumaat haha''
'' awk buat lawak ke apa? nisa dr smlm nangis without stop.. and i think mata kte akan bngkak pergi skolah esok..! omg!  i cant believe that you're going to leave us..''
''kte pun mmg da bngkak mata ni.. mmg tk stop mnangis..tu la.. kte mmg sdih gila..but so sorry''

i cried louder and harder..
i cant stop......

Friday, March 25, 2011


have you heard bout it before?
i bet you haven't

i've got this petanque tournament in Cheras..
it's just suddenly
im so NERVOUS!
pray for me and wish me luck,,ya?!!